Cleed is a Tokyo based Japanese company dedicated to providing bilingual accounting and back office services in a stress-free manner without language barrier
Our mission and focus is to provide first-class services for multinational clients. We are results-driven and offer a wide range of services for small and medium-sized business owners, congregations and individuals. Allying with professionals in other fields, our scope of services include accounting, tax, new business formation, business process outsourcing, provision of registered address, social insurance, and overall back office related services. Client relationship is the key to us. We view every client relationship like a partner.
・Business and personal income tax compliance
・Financial statement preparation: reviews and compilations
・Monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reporting
・Accounting assistance
・Tax compliance and planning
・Personal and Business income tax planning
・Year-end employees' income tax adjustment
・Withholding tax and statutory report
・Report of salary payment
・Income tax return planning
・Estate and gift tax planning
For investors who own properties in Japan
We provide tax agent services for non-resident who have rental
income or capital gain from properties in Japan. As a tax
agent, we handle
・Annual income tax filing
・Income tax refund/payment
・Property tax payment
・Business startup planning
・Company setup consulting
・Forming and filing new corporations and self-employment
・Nominee director
・Bank account set up support
・Bank account management and expense payments
・Full outsourcing of accounting related tasks
・Social insurance enrollments and cancellations
・Local legal representative
Our network with professionals in various business fields can advise you and provide support. Please feel free to make inquiries concerning your business. We dedicate efforts to find solutions to meet client needs.